Saturday, November 19, 2011

This Year I have a lot to be Thankful for..

Yes, tucked between the two monster sized holidays of Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving receives far less attention. But Thanksgiving is a very important holiday, especially in the busy lives of Americans. It is a time to kick back and relax, watch a football game or go to a movie, and enjoy a huge feast. There is no nation in the world that has more to be thankful for than the USA.
The first Thanksgiving was celebrated between the Pilgrims and the Indians in 1621.That first feast was a three day affair. The fall harvest was time for celebration. The Pilgrims and the Indians created a huge feast including a wide variety of animals and fowl, as well as fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest. This early celebration was the start of today's holiday celebration. Like then, we celebrate with a huge feast.

After the first Thanksgiving, the observance was sporadic and almost forgotten until the early 1800's. It was usually celebrated in late September or October. In 1941, Congress made it a national holiday and set the date as the fourth Thursday in November.

Today, most of us enjoy Turkey with "all the trimming". The "trimming" include a wide variety of foods that are a tradition for your family. Those traditional foods often replicate the foods at the first Thanksgiving feast. While others, are traditional ethnic or religious group’s recipe, or a special food item that your family always serves at Thanksgiving dinner. Then, to top it off, pumpkin pies, apple pies, an even mince meat pies are bountiful around the table.

With our busy lives, it is not always possible to spend Thanksgiving with all your family and loved ones. This Thanksgiving is going to be very special and important one for my family.  My Sister and I have not spent Thanksgiving together in over 20 plus years. This year, we will not only be together,  but our Father will be with us as well.  Sure, I have to put up with Football all day but I think this one day is worth the sacrifice.

Our Mother would be so proud to see the family together for the holiday and she is dearly missed.  Not only is this Thanksgiving special but I am also starting out this holiday season in a new home and location.  Yes, we miss our friends/family back in South Florida but they know they are still in our thoughts, it just this year they will be the ones getting the phone call and not our feast.. .

 Did you know? Potatoes were not part of the first Thanksgiving. Irish immigrants had not yet brought them to North America.

Till next week. LB

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