Sunday, February 17, 2013

Radom Acts of Kindness and more

February 17th is Radom Acts of Kindness Day. Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. You know what to do...perform a few random acts of kindness. Almost any kind deed will do.  We highly recommend you perform kind acts on as many people as you can.

This is a favorite day of many people and groups. People like the idea of showing a little kindness to others. It's a fun and good thing to do. And, they like being on the receiving end of this day as well. It makes both the giver and the receiver feel good.

Schools have used this day as an educational event, and to promote the value of kindness. Organizations have used this day to promote their cause, and for fundraisers.

We do have to caution you. What comes around, goes around. Random Acts of Kindness is highly contagious.

Of course, since the Valentine's Day has come and gone. We get to have another reason to send chocolate. On  February 19th is Chocolate Mint Day. This day celebrates anything and everything that is chocolate mint flavored. The most common chocolate mint treats are ice cream, candies, and desserts. Not everyone likes chocolate mint. But those who do love it. No, we don't know why some people don't like this great flavor. But, we do feel sorry for them!

For Chocolate Mint lovers, this is truly a great day. Whether its candies, ice cream or desserts, make sure to get your fill of Chocolate Mint.

As a young boy, George Washington made the Cherry tree popular, with his famous quote "I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down the Cherry tree." We celebrate George Washington's Birthday and President's Day in February. Appropriately, its traditional to bake cherry pies in honor of the occasion. On Cherry Pie Day, February 20th, celebrate with a piece of pie.

If Cherry Pie is not your thing, This day is also "Love Your Pet Day".  A day to pamper your pet. People just love their pets, and today is an easy excuse to spend time with them, and to give them special treats. Whether it's a dog, a cat, a fish, a pet snake, or your pet rock......give them lots of love and attention today.  If you don't have a pet, maybe today is the day to adopt a pet. Take a trip to your local Humane Society, and bring home an animal that needs you. It will make you both feel good.  Of course, in our house, every day is Love your Pet Day....

February 22 is " Be Humble Day". On this day you are not to brag or to boast. It's not a time to talk about your success or accomplishments. Be Humble Day can be a humbling experience. That's exactly the intent of today. Humbleness is a good thing, a virtue. People much prefer a humble person to a braggart.  Practice humbleness on the 22nd, and every day. It will serve you well in life

Keep Dancin

Till Next time. LB

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