Friday, December 30, 2011

Family, Friends and a Year of Changes

As the year draws to a close, it is time to reflect on the past year and how very important our family and friends have been in our lives.  I am sure most of us are still in a stupor from our Christmas feast.  It was during our feast that I got to thinking about how 2011 had been a year of many changes for Paul and I.

I started the year in a new/old position after 20 years with Intracorp, the company was sold to GENEX Services at the end fo 2010. So although I am still doing the same job, it was all new with a new employer. The year has been a challenge learning how to do the same job under new policies and proceedures. I do have to state that my new immediate boss has been nothing but accepting and supportive in this year of transition.

I also started a new website and also became the host site for Stella Cabeca's website.  Just taking my passion for dancing to a new level.

Paul met a milestone this year and after 30 years retired from the US Postal Service. He has been making a nice adjustment to the life as a retired person.

Then the most dramatic change came the last quarter of the year when we decided it was now time to make the move to Tennessee to be closer to both our families especially my Father. It then all happen very quickly with us selling the house in Florida.  So after 40 years for Paul and 20 years for myself in Florida, we relocted to Clarksville, Tennessee.

So this Holiday season, we got to spend with our families and not our our Florida friends. For me it was a very special holiday getting to spend it with my Father and sister afte 20 years. I know my Mom was smiling down at us, happy that her family was back together again.

I have to admit it was strange at first since for the past years, it was our Florida family that had made our holiday season so enjoyable and memorable.

We  tend to take many things in our life for granted and sometimes neglect to express or show our true feelings for those immediately around us in our daily lives. Being from a farming family, family gatherings with lots of good food, good fun and camaraderie were what was important throughout the year. It was during these family gatherings that you caught on family and nurtured the bond that makes us all family in one way or another.

Paul  and I come from very different family backgrounds but the one common thread was that family was the most important aspect of our daily lives growing up. The weekly or Monthly family gatherings that included everyone from Grandparents to cousins. The feeling of having that common denominator that made you whole and who you are today. 
The old saying you can pick your friends but not your family  is so true. Yet we have friends in our lives that we consider family and have the bond that comes with family.  Knowing they will be there for you in your time of need and support you in whatever venture you undertake. 
So as 2011 draws to an end, We know that our choices were the right ones for Paul and I. Our Florida Friends will always be a part of our lives but now is the time for us to spend with our Family. 2012 is going to be a good year, now we get to show our Florida Family the area I grew up in and around.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What Attack on Christmas?

I keep hearing that Christmas is under attack. Congress has even touched on the matter as if that is the most important issue they have to deal with at this time. But I digress.. I am having a hard time understanding just what is attacking Christmas.  Is it the fact that the retail stores start advertising and putting out their Christmas items before Halloween has past.  Maybe its the Condo Association that is fighting a owner for putting out colored lights instead of only clear lights. 

I just can not figure out what is attacking Christmas, as I sit in front of our beautiful Christmas tree, listening to Christmas music and all the Christmas cards from friends and family. Where is the attack, what is the attack, who is doing the attacking?

Can anyone tell me? 

The only thing I can think of is the attack is from those spouting the issue that Christmas is under attack.   I just don't understand why human beings can not just get along, this country was founded on freedom.  Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom to be who and what you are without prejudice.  At least that was what I was taught in a small country school in the rural midwest.

I personally, think that those that are claiming there is an attack on Christmas are just trying to create a diversion so they gain more votes in the upcoming election.  We as Americans are always under attack, from outside our borders and more dangerous within our borders. Ultra conservative, Ultra liberals, Ultra Religious, Ultra white, Ultra Black, Ultra, Ultra Ultra. Oh there I go digressing again..

Attack on Christmas, I don't think so. The attack is on the American people, who for the most part just want to enjoy the Holiday in Peace and Good will to all.

Merry Christmas  and Happy Holidays to All.....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holidays, Family and Extra Pounds

Since this will be the first Christmas Dinner in 20 years with my Father, I want to make everything special and start a new tradition for our family. I have been researching for a new dessert for the dinner. My  first thought on each recipe was how much sugar was in the item, Dad watches his sugar intake. Paul, my sister Cindy and I can eat or I should say will eat anything.

Of course, then we will be the ones trying to work off those extra holiday pounds.  My sister will walk extra miles on her treadmill. Paul and I will walk the dogs on extra long treks. I will dance as much as possible.  The grand part is that we will be doing it as a family and that support will be what gets us through the holiday pound syndrome.

So what are you going to do to get through the Holiday, the family and those Holiday pounds?
Why should you think about it now, you ask. Well without a plan those holiday pounds will become New year pounds, then Spring pounds.  So get that plan together now and then you won't be struggling to get that Beach body when Summer time arrives. 

If that is not enough to get you motivated, then read the following article from Jim Salophokos.

Slimming Down Will Benefit Your Health--And Much More

by Jim Salophokos

Men and women typically attempt to shed weight simply because they wish to improve their health or have been told by their health care provider that it is quite crucial that they do so. We now know just how directly related many health problems are to a person's excessive weight. Everywhere you go you hear about the serious implications of heart disease and increased blood pressure levels. Even with all the information, a large number of folks don't feel that the health benefits are cause enough for them to shed weight. In the following paragraphs we're going to take a look at some of the other benefits that can be gained through following a fat reduction program.

The first place to check out and one that might be a huge motivating factor is the fact that shedding some extra fat could actually save you money. Obviously, you tend to eat less and get rid of many expensive bad snacks when you are on a diet. It is the case that over some time these cost savings can amount to a rather significant amount of money. As a matter of fact, you can count on more savings if you opt to grow some of your own healthy fruits and vegetables.

An additional beneficial effect of your losing weight may be a new belief in yourself, which will manifest in all areas of your life. This could reflect itself in a more optimistic outlook toward your job and the people in your life. The fact that you come to see results from the desired goals you set for yourself with regards to losing weight may help you to achieve targets in the areas of your life. It is obvious that if people start to compliment you on the changes you have made to your physical appearance, this begins to have an effect on your self image and this will show in how you relate with others.

As an overweight person, maybe you steer clear of a few activities. This can be a consequence of your lack of self-confidence or because you have not had the physical ability to do it. This can change as you begin to get in shape and will open doors to new ways to spend your spare time. For instance, if you have the strength to try out a new sports hobby, you will without a doubt find that it is a nice way to work out and interact with other people. If it is a team sport, this is a great way to connect with other people and strike up new relationships.

Therefore, while the improvements to your health after losing weight should be a sufficient reward, you can find many additional reasons to remain faithful to your weight reduction plan.

Till Next time LB

Friday, December 9, 2011

Healthier Lifestyle

I am alway reading articles on ways to make my life healthier, not that I follow a lot of what I read. But I do try to take part of each  and implement a portion in my life.  Hey, I at least try it, may not last but I do attempt.. I thought this was a pretty good article and thought I would share. We are visiting Dad in Missouri this weekend and when I do, always look at ways to make his life healthier. Although he does pretty good.. read this article..

A Healthier Lifestyle Calls For Additional Things Than Starvation As Well As Exercise

by Bobby Stentfeister

Most people today automatically believe that healthy living is exclusively about depriving yourself of foods that you like. A lot of people likewise believe that healthy living involves sustained, rigorous exercise. The truth is that there are easier and simpler methods to attain the healthy lifestyle you are hoping to have.

In your quest for a healthier body, are you beginning to feel like you live at the gym? Well, it's alright to spend a little less time there. You can simply start taking walks after you've eaten, or even on your lunch break at work. I know several people who love a quick lunch, then go out for a nice, twenty minute walk before returning to their office. Other people like to stay in the building for their walks, especially when the weather is bad. Be aware that simply walking will help you start circulating your blood flow and help carry oxygen to your brain.

And, obviously, there's a lot more to think about. A lot of people wake up in the morning and enjoy a couple cups of coffee to start their days off. But why java and not tea? If you drink tea, you don't need to suffer through the unavoidable mid-morning crash because of the caffeine wearing off. And by selecting the right teas, you may find that you even have so much more energy than you did with your caffeine high.

Many people assume that, if they want to move toward a healthier style of living, they must starve themselves. This is a typical area of confusion. The reality is that by merely choosing a little better, you can still eat almost all of the things you love. Pizza? Sure. Simply try avoiding the frozen pizzas and go for handmade instead, using fresh ingredients. Sure, going from the freezer to your table in 15 minutes is good, but the darn things are simply isn't great for your health. At any rate, it's fun starting from zero with fresh ingredients. Now, most groceries include a whole section devoted to natural, healthy foods, where you can get everything you may need for your pizza. Therefore, you can enjoy your pizza and continue living healthy.

Want another hint? Do Away With candy and sweets in general. This may appear like a very tough thing to do, but it in reality isn't that difficult. The next time you're wanting candy, eat fruit or a cup of hot chocolate sweetened with an all natural, low calorie sweetener like Stevia.

If you enjoyed this article and want to achieve the pinnacle of your health and fitness levels then check out this site to learn <a href="">how to build muscle</a> and don't forget to check out the <a href="">Daniel Craig 007 workout</a> to learn how he got in awesome shape.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Holidays are in Full Swing

Decorations galore are not the only hints that the holidays are upon us. Dinner parties, cocktail parties, cookie swaps, caroling and shopping.   Shopping  and Shopping, did I mention Shopping. Whether it be at the mall or in the comfort of your home in front of your computer. There are so many choices for your gift giving pleasure.

This year the best gift that I will receive is spending the holidays with my Dad and Sister. After 20 years of spending the holidays in Florida with our Friends/family there, this year, I actually get to spend the holidays with Dad and sister.   Although, I will miss the special time we have had with our  Florida family/friends all these years.  This year just has a very special feeling for me. The holiday weekend is planned with a great meal and quality time with the both of them.

Another huge difference for Paul and I is that our complete yard decorations are in storage in Florida, living in a Condo does not offer any real yard space for the 20-25 inflatables that I would put out in my yard and the neighbors yard each year.  Paul is going through Holiday decorating withdraw due to not being able to put up his tree, ornaments and all the indoor decorations.

We have been in our Tennessee home for 30 days and have done a great deal of work to make it home and energy efficient.  New Flooring is the final improvement and so the tree can not be brought out till the flooring is down.  Not sure if this will be completed prior to the holiday, so I may have to see if we brought the little ceramic and 2 foot tree of our mothers to curb his holiday decorating withdrawal symptoms.

Next year, we will have our home decked out to the max for the holiday.  We wish all our Florida Family/friends a wonderful holiday and will miss you all. Take Care. Happy Holiday.. till next time LB

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Family Thanksgivgs 2011

What a difference a year makes, one year ago today, I, Paul and two of our best friends were driving from South Florida to Southeast Missouri to move my Father from one house to another.  In 48 hours, we packed, moved and totally set him up in a new location.  Granted it was only about a mile from each location but it was the fact that not one thing was prepared to make the move.

Today, I am sitting in Tennessee, only after moving three weeks ago and I can tell you it took a lot longer than 48 hours to make this move from South Florida to Middle Tennessee.  This year is very special for I am spending it with my Dad and Sister, no rushing around to pack anything, no stress of moving, flying or driving and everyone in good health. This is what the day should be about and it is priceless to me.
Growing up it in Southeast Missouri, Thanksgiving was always a family event, I am fortunate enough to remember everyone meeting at our Great Grandparents house for the day. The Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins all gathering for a day of home cooking, games and just being together as a family.
Those were special times; the extended family unit was together as one clan. As our society moved forward, it seems to have lost this one important aspect of the family.  The family unit is more nuclear in nature today than in the past.  We move further from the family to pursue careers and then everyone becomes so involved with their own lives that taking the time to be with extended family does not seem as important.
This happen to our family clan, as the great and grandparents passed on, my generation was the one that moved further away from the homestead. We were the ones that pursued those careers and just never seem to have any time to make it home for the holidays. I, for one, realized this but only after the passing of my Mother.

Thanksgiving was always a special holiday for her. She called it her mid holiday.  Halloween was the first because of my birth, then Thanksgiving and ending with Christmas. She always wanted the family together for the holiday and for so many years it was just never possible for all of us to be in on location for this weekend.

Okay, I admit, my sister and I were too involved in our own lives at the time to think it to be a big deal.  You always think next year, I will take time off to be with family and next year you say okay next year.  I finally decided it was this year; I had to be with my Father and Sister. I had to be home with family for the holidays.

 I tell you now, as I sit typing this, my Dad reading a novel, and my sister watching the Dolphins/Cowboys game, it is the most relaxing, stress free Thanksgiving that I can remember in many years.  My Mother would be so proud to see her family finally together for Thanksgiving.  I can hear her now, saying “I would love another cup of coffee but I have babies (dogs) on my lap” and of course, I or Paul would be the ones getting that cup of coffee.     So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful to be back home with the family.   Now it is time for a cup of coffee in honor of Mom...  Happy Thanksgiving 2011.

Till Next time   LB

Saturday, November 19, 2011

This Year I have a lot to be Thankful for..

Yes, tucked between the two monster sized holidays of Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving receives far less attention. But Thanksgiving is a very important holiday, especially in the busy lives of Americans. It is a time to kick back and relax, watch a football game or go to a movie, and enjoy a huge feast. There is no nation in the world that has more to be thankful for than the USA.
The first Thanksgiving was celebrated between the Pilgrims and the Indians in 1621.That first feast was a three day affair. The fall harvest was time for celebration. The Pilgrims and the Indians created a huge feast including a wide variety of animals and fowl, as well as fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest. This early celebration was the start of today's holiday celebration. Like then, we celebrate with a huge feast.

After the first Thanksgiving, the observance was sporadic and almost forgotten until the early 1800's. It was usually celebrated in late September or October. In 1941, Congress made it a national holiday and set the date as the fourth Thursday in November.

Today, most of us enjoy Turkey with "all the trimming". The "trimming" include a wide variety of foods that are a tradition for your family. Those traditional foods often replicate the foods at the first Thanksgiving feast. While others, are traditional ethnic or religious group’s recipe, or a special food item that your family always serves at Thanksgiving dinner. Then, to top it off, pumpkin pies, apple pies, an even mince meat pies are bountiful around the table.

With our busy lives, it is not always possible to spend Thanksgiving with all your family and loved ones. This Thanksgiving is going to be very special and important one for my family.  My Sister and I have not spent Thanksgiving together in over 20 plus years. This year, we will not only be together,  but our Father will be with us as well.  Sure, I have to put up with Football all day but I think this one day is worth the sacrifice.

Our Mother would be so proud to see the family together for the holiday and she is dearly missed.  Not only is this Thanksgiving special but I am also starting out this holiday season in a new home and location.  Yes, we miss our friends/family back in South Florida but they know they are still in our thoughts, it just this year they will be the ones getting the phone call and not our feast.. .

 Did you know? Potatoes were not part of the first Thanksgiving. Irish immigrants had not yet brought them to North America.

Till next week. LB

Remebering a Dedicated Soldier

Thank you, Cousin Charles Ray.

I was going through an old photo album and came across a memorial clipping of my cousin, Charles Ray Humble. Charles Ray was a cousin on my Mother’s side of the family who was in the armed services during the Vietnam Era.

Charles Ray was a good Arkansas boy that served our country. I never got to meet my cousin for he was killed while saving others during a conflict at an air base. My family always talked with high praise of how Charles Ray served our country and died doing his job of saving others.

My Mom always spoke of him with words like special, dedicated, courageous and good hearted. I only saw pictures of Charles Ray in uniform growing up and as a young man in Southeast Missouri farm country; I wanted to be like my cousin.

I learned that Charles Ray’s name was on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC and the first chance I got to go there I made sure to find his name and photographed it for my mom. As I stated, I had wanted to be like my cousin but as I got ready to enlist, I realized I was not service material. I did not like anyone telling me what to do and when to do it. So instead, I went to college and majored in two areas that I would be able help others, Speech Disorders and Nursing, my own way of honoring my cousin, Charles Ray.

Charles Ray was just one of several of our family’s members that served our country over the years prior and past. We are very proud of each and every one of them for the service they provided to our country. I know this year as in years past, family members will be placing special arrangements at the grave of Charles Ray and several others in the next few weeks in remembrance of their service to us and our country.

While thinking of Charles Ray, I also started thinking of the many men and women currently serving our country in the many branches of the armed services. Many are far away from their loved ones and even though it is hard to say many may never see their loved ones again. That is the reality they all face when they join to serve our country.

So how can you show your appreciation to those that are serving in the armed forces? One way is to send a Care Package to your loved one currently serving. Make up a box of items that you know they love and are probably missing right about now, now matter where they are stationed. There are many Care Packages on the market that also fit this unique way of showing you are thinking of them.

Even if you don’t have a loved one currently serving in the Armed Forces, contact your local veteran’s organization and see what you can do to show your appreciation this Thanksgiving, Christmas or on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day. Many have programs that you can join to assist with those currently serving or a veteran who is in need of some companionship.

It really does not matter what you do as long as you do something to show those that serve in the Armed Forces, you appreciate their dedication and service to protect you and this country. Thank you to all the men and women of our Armed Services and God Bless the United States. LB