Thursday, July 12, 2012


I was taken back the other day when a lady I was speaking to on the phone blurted out that statement to me. I said excuse me, she then proceeded to read me the riot act that I had called her Darling and She was not MY Darling. How dare I trivialize her by calling her Darling? The rant went on for a few minutes and I let her vent, I feel everyone needs to vent at times. I explained that I had not even realized I had said "Thank you, darlin for your help". I apologized for my statement to her. I then explained that it was not meant as anything more than a courtesy to her. Where I was reared it was a common courtesy to use the words darling, honey, hon, and dear as a way of showing our respect to the person we may be speaking to at the time.

I told this lady that I was only trying show her some courtesy and if she took offense to actually having a gentleman be courtesy to her, then I truly apologize. Of course, this might have been a little over kill on my part but the lady just really took me by surprise that anyone man or woman would be upset for someone being a little courtesy and okay maybe little informal or too personal. Yet in today's society, I feel we strive way too much to be politically correct and become nothing more that automated beings.

I attempt to keep my Midwestern form of courtesy to a lady out of my daily business conversations. Of course, this incident shows that I will never be 100% politically or business correct.  I was reared to respect a woman and that included using these words of endearment as a way of showing respect.  Heck, I was reared to show respect to all beings and I know I might slip at times; my true nature is to be respectful and courtesy.  Just ask the 20 plus women I work with on daily basis, they get called honey, darling and sweetheart all the time, of course, they usually know I am trying to butter them up to take on more work. But hey at least I try to soften the burden with some good ole southern gentleman ways.

In today's world courtesy is not seen very much in everyday life. I try to ensure I keep my manners and am as courteous as possible. I still use the words Please and Thank you. I have heard so many times of late when someone holds a door open for someone else and the person says Thank you, the response back is No problem.  What happen to Your Welcome!   No problem, well I took that for granted that it was no problem you are the one that stopped and held the door. 

As you know if you have been following my blog, that although I am a big supporter of all things technological, I am also first to agree that technology has hurt our interpersonal communication skills and common courtesies.

In today's hectic pace of life, the common social courtesies have been left behind. Be it in the checkout line of a store, on the highway, on the phone and in person, most of the time individuals are too involved in themselves to show any type of courtesy to the world around them. I am sure you all can put scenarios to the areas I just mentioned. 

Would the world not be a better place is everyone showed a little courtesy to the each other? Cultures may be different, how we were reared by be different, the common factor is we are all human and on the same planet.

So I guess I can only say the one thing. "Thank you, Darling for reading my blog this week."

 Till next time LB.

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