Saturday, December 22, 2012

Line Dance Class Established

I have been in Clarksville, TN for little over a year and marketing myself as a Line Dance Instructor. I have put myself in front of everyone I could to establish a line dance class.  I thought moving to an area 45 minutes from Nashville; I would find lots of classes to take for myself and instructors in the area that would be able to give me advice on how to establish oneself in the area.
This was not the case; I could not find one class being taught in the Clarksville area. Now if you want to take a Zumba class they are everywhere but no dance classes.  I was fortunate to connect with some ladies through my sister’s softball team that assisted in introducing me to the folks at the Clarksville Athletic club. I was able to provide class there for four months with all proceeds going to the Cancer Society.  As they say when one door closes another opens.
I had been to the Parks and Recreational Department numerous times with my flyer, business card and copy of my liability insurance. I was either there at the wrong time of year, wrong time due to a city function or vacation issues.  Finally, I received a call from Melissa at the P & R department. After our first meeting, I was in the door and picking out the room to hold my class.
If not for the encouragement of my mentor, Stella Cabeca, I might have just given up on pursuing my goal of establishing my own class. Stella was instrumental in providing me with how to set up a class, how to approach the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department and how to get a beginner’s class off the ground.
Now I have a new flyer with a location and start date for my new International Line Dance class in Clarksville, TN.  I am moving ahead with developing the first few weeks of classes.  I am busy printing the step sheets and downloading the music.  For the next couple of weeks, I will be hitting the road again to local store owners to request posting my new flyer. I have one store owner that has not only agreed to post in her window but requested flyers to use as stuffers in her customers purchase bags.  That particular shop owner has even got her whole staff interested in taking my class. Now that is what I call local support.
Here is to a great 2013 and a big bear hug/thank you to all those who has supported me.
Keep Dancin’  LB

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