Being yourself, being happy with whom you are and accepting that God has a true purpose for you. We should be showing those in our lives just how much they mean to us every single day. We should be living our lives and not working ourselves into emotional and physical wrecks.
Oh sure, easy to say and even easier to type; but to truly enrich our lives, we should be focused on ourselves and those in our lives more so than our jobs and status among our peers, co-workers and the man on the street. I know when I was younger; I was focused on a career and my status among co-workers, peers and the man next door. I see that all that was just an attempt to be accepted by the standards that society had set forth as being the norm. Sure advancing in my career has provided a nice living. But over the years there were times that the job superseded family, friends and my personal wellbeing.
Anyone that knows me; knows I am far from being labeled as normal in today’s society. I have accepted who I am and I have grown to love the man I have become over the years. I take pride in my family because without them I would not be who I am today. I don’t really care what society says is normal, I don’t care what the man next door thinks. I strive to show respect to my co-workers for we are all in the same struggle with corporate America. My friends know that they become part of my family and are cared for just as any other family member.
Oh sure everyone needs to be productive to simply survive in today’s society but we should not let our jobs rule our lives. We need to maintain a balance between the job and our personal life. We should not let Society dictate normal but accept that we are all unique individuals. We should not be concern what others think as long as we are true to ourselves and cause no harm to others.
I guess what I am trying to express this week is each of us need to take a step back and reassess our lives every chance possible. The bombing in Boston this week is just another example of how life can change in a heartbeat. Time to reassess, regroup and refocus on life...
Keep Dancin' Larry B.
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