Friday, March 9, 2012

Living in the Belt

I have no problem with anyone having strong convictions related to religion, politics, or even breakfast cereal.  I do have a problem when said person thinks it is their duty to force that conviction onto others. I believe everyone has the right to believe and to live freely without interference from their neighbor or government. IF that believe and freedom is not encroaching on another’s freedom or believe and is not harming any other living being.

That said I have to state living in the Bible Belt is interesting and quite amusing to me. The so call Christians believe it is God’s will that if one does not follow their particular teaching then it is wrong and should not be allowed. The political candidates/parties think they should intervene in individual’s life due to pressure from these so called Christians.   One such issue that has currently been in the works involved the elementary schools, a law was being considered that the schools could not teach anything related to human sexuality other than the “Normal” Heterosexual  issues, at least till a certain age or grade, it was the “NO GAY” proposal.

Luckily, some politicians figured this was not a good idea and it has been tabled at this time. But can you imagine how kids with Homosexual parents, or family members that were homosexual, bisexual, and transgender would feel totally isolated.  Would they not wonder why their family or family members apparently did not exist in their school program?  Yet People wonder why there has been an increase in suicides and bullying.

I have been out of being a political activist for a few years, but living in the Belt has inspired me to jump back into the mix. What I see is the Bible Thumping, Ultra Conservative, and Tea Partiers making a lot of noise but not offering a lot of solutions. If they get what they desire; it will return us to a time where, I would be jailed or worse because of who I am.  Now I ask you why we have been in Afghanistan and Iraq for all these years, if we are going to let similar type of groups control our country.  Think about it and my question to this group is a simple one… WWJD?

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