Friday, August 24, 2012

It Is Never Too Late

I recently saw a post in Facebook from a friend that felt it was too late to achieve a dream. This from a talented young lady with two small kids felt it was too late to achieve a dream. I immediately responded that it was never too late to strive for something you truly love to do.

I know this to be true. I always loved dancing and establishing my own class once we moved to TN was a dream. Sept 10, 2012 that dream will be a reality. I was fortunate enough to meet someone by chance that got me into the Clarksville Athletic Club. I now have a three month gig with the possibility to move this to a full schedule with the club.

This also gave me a great lead with the Montgomery County Parks & Recreation department. Now I have another opportunity to further establish my dance classes.  Possibilities will continue to present themselves as long as I am diligent in achieving my goal.  It is never too late.

Building a new house to our specification was another dream that I never thought would be obtained. Now it too is being achieved and we take possession August 31, 2012 of our new home. It is never too late.

Going back to a gym and sticking to regular regiment was something I did not think I would ever do again. Yet I am and doing it with Paul just makes it even better. We are enjoying it greatly and have even lost 10 pounds each.  It is never too late.

Getting involved with local sports was never a dream but a very pleasant addition to our life. We have become the softball team supporters for Cindy’s team. We are regulars now at the ball park for not only her team but to also support her as an umpire for the other leagues.  It is never too late.

So never give up on your dreams, never give up on new experiences. Yesterday is set in stone and cannot be changed. Tomorrow is not and holds all possibilities. You simply have to be open minded enough to see them as they approach. Take a leap of faith in yourself. It is never too late...
Till Next time…Larry B


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