Thanksgiving has come and gone. Christmas is just around the
corner. Are you ready for the thrill of the hunt for those special and unique gifts? Many of you will utilize the internet as part
of that hunt, just as I am.
In that quest, I ran
into a computer issue this week. A
firewall upgrade was downloaded into my system and required a reboot. Once back up I discovered that I was not able
to obtain access to my network. I was cut off from everything, no email, no internet;
nothing would run at least on the computer. Thankfully I do have a tablet but
like the laptop for searching internet.
Of course, after I recovered from the shock, I ran every diagnostic I
have on the computer and deleted files/programs I determined were not necessary
any longer. I still could not resolve my
problem and I am pretty good with this techie stuff. Once that failed and I completed some
relaxation exercises to maintain my control. I called Support.
After hours on the
phone with support and going through every possible solution, I was told I
would have to speak to another technician that would probably be able to
resolve my issue. Needless to say, I
was, by this time, not a happy camper.
The new techie called and within 10 minutes had my issue resolved and I
was back up and running.
I appreciated so much all the patience and knowledge that
these support guys provided to help me.
Even when they, themselves could not figure out why the program was
doing this strange action. I got to
thinking how difficult it must be for them every day dealing with irate
customers and strange computer issues.
We all have that support person in our company or even in
our own home that is always catching the heat when our technology goes
awry. So why not let them know we do
appreciate and acknowledge their skill. The next time you speak to a support person,
express your gratitude and apologize for your attitude. For that person in your home, make them a
special dinner and thank them for putting up with your impatience.
Happy Hannakah which begins Saturday December 8th
at sundown.
Keep Dancin’ LB