Friday, December 27, 2013

How to Give a Soothing Massage

Massage relieves stress and tension as well as gives the person renewed energy. If you want to do this, you have to know how to do it.  What a better gift to give this holiday season to a friend or loved one.

The first thing you have to do is create the right atmosphere or ambiance. This means finding a cozy, quiet and warm room. You can even use aromatherapy oil or light a scented candle to make the place smell good. It is best to close the curtains so nobody will see that you are giving a massage.  You then prepare the massage oil. The best one to use is Jojoba oil but since this is too expensive, you can try almond oil or lavender instead.

 The best place to give a massage if you don’t have the massaging bed is on the floor. So that the floor is not too hard to lie on, you should spread linen and then cover it over with a blanket.  When the room is ready, you tell the person to take off their clothes and lie in between the blanket. If the person is shy, it is okay and let them just lie down in their underwear. Make sure to cover them up to keep them warm.

The proper way of giving a massage is by working from right to left. So, you should sit on the right side of your partner on the thigh or between the legs.  You then use your flat hands to smoothly slide from the foot to the bottom on top of the back of the right leg and slide again down. Knead the right leg from the bottom to the top in 3 parts by working inwards then outward and then start over. When you are done, the same thing will be done to the opposite leg.

Once you are done with the legs, it is time to work on the back by placing yourself at the head facing the legs. Again, you use your flat hands to smoothly slide from head to the bottom with each hand close to the spine. Slide over the edge of the bottom to the side and then slide on the sides upwards just underneath the scapulas, you slide back and move the rest back up to the beginning of the shoulders. This should be done 3 times.

You then move over to one side and then use your left hand to do a full circle on their back. With your right hand, you do a half circle beginning away from your left going clockwise. This should be done very slowly, smoothly and sensitively starting at the bottom and then moving all the way up to the shoulders and the back again. Now that you have finished working on the back, it is time to work on the front by letting the person lie down on their back. But before you do that, the steps taken to massage the legs should also be done on the left and right arms. Next, you rub your hands and then place these slowly over your partner’s eyes. This must be placed inches away from the face for about 1 to 2 minutes before you slide your thumbs from the part between the eyebrows to the point where the hair starts. You place the thumbs a bit higher then move it apart. This should be repeated until you reach the beginning of the ear then you move on to the nose, cheeks, upper and lower lip. 

The secret of how to give a soothing massage should come from your hands and not your eyes. If the person wants less or more pressure, be ready to respond so they get the best out of what you are giving them.

Thank you for taking the time to review our blog. We hope the upcoming articles on Massage Therapy are of benefit.

Keep Dancin’  Larry B


Friday, December 20, 2013

Passage of Time

I sit in my living room listening to 30 clocks ticking the time away. I look at ornaments on the Christmas tree and see passage of time.  As the clocks tick, the lights shining on the ornaments, I see all the memories represented on the tree. Each ornament places me at a different time and place in my life, childhood through present. All representing the passing of time.

I realize that I don't do this reminiscing often enough, it was a cleansing mentally to wander through the memories. I also know we let time pass without making note of the people in our life's and events that occur every day. Before we realize it all we have are memories.

Each of us get so wrapped up in our daily grind, just trying to make it to the end of our work day, the week, the month, the year. Everyone is entrenched in making ends meet and not taking the time to actually live in the moment. It is always tomorrow I will get to it. Then tomorrow becomes next week, next month and then it's too late.

I am just as guilty as the next person in getting into this entrenchment. What I learned this year is to take life and live it to the fullest. Take time for yourself, family and friends. Step out of your comfort zone and experience life. As I sat wandering through the memories on the tree, I can say I have been doing better at stepping out of my comfort zone and making time for family and friends.

 I still find myself slipping at times, letting work and daily life demands control me. This time of year can be even more demanding on our psyche and finding that balance is difficult. So what can one do to find that balance, one way I have found that works is to go old school. Old school is placing all electronic devices in the off position and out of sight.  Granted that first hour is very nerve racking being totally disconnected from the electronic governors in our live. Then I realize how free it feels and I can spend quality time with family, friends, pets and most of myself.

Look for community activities that are interesting for you or for you significant other, then get out there and participate. Plan special time with friends and family, like the night we have planned tonight with Brian/Melissa. It takes an effort form oneself to break the cycle of becoming entrenched in the every day grind. The benefits of time with family, friends, pets and oneself is priceless.

So as the multiple chiming clocks alert me of another hour that has past, I take a deep breath knowing I am on track to not let any more time pass without taking time for myself and the special ones in my life.

Keep dancin' Larry B.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Messages from my Best Friend…

I have debated whether I would share this story but decided my friend would not mind. As you know, I lost my Best Friend on August 3, 2013. Luke Henry was a total Nerd at heart; he was always doing things to our I-phones and I-pads.  So it should not have been such a surprise to receive a message on my calendar the week that we met a year ago.

It was a reminder that simply stated the following: “This week a year ago, I met someone that has become my True Best Friend...  He will either do the following when receiving this reminder.

A. come down stairs and smacks me on the back of the head

B. Shed a tear and has good thoughts if I am no longer downstairs.

Love ya Bulldog... Your Little Bro.”

Unfortunately, I only had one choice when I read this reminder.  Little Brother pulled a fast one on me, score one for Little Bro.

I thought okay what else Luke had done to my calendar or reminders. I only had to wait a week and got a reminder that stated:  “we need to find the Emmett Kelly photo ornaments. I want to give those to kids with new pictures.  Or You do... Love ya Little Bro. “. Luckily, I did remember that tidbit at the time we separated his belongings. I had them already to deliver to the kids to put on their Christmas tree as a gift from Dad.  I completed that task this past week.  Score one for Bulldog. But still getting these messages now were a little unnerving as well as healing.
I just received a third reminder this week, now he is getting on my nerves, just a little.  This reminder stated: ”I gave you a pin to hold for safe keeping, do you remember where you put it?  Depending on whether things are good or bad by now with Joyce, may want Paul to wrap. If I am not with you now please do what you think best but don’t’ forget to explain the pin to her.  Remember I am the top bird then the kids and then the three of you.  Thanks    Little Bro.”
So the reason my article this week is a day behind my usual Friday night post is I had to follow the last reminder through and give Joyce the pin before I could post my story.  Paul and I spent Saturday with our Henry family in Paducah and had a wonderful day.
I have been following Luke’s directions since August 3 ensuring his last wishes were followed and that I was able to wrap up his business and his electronic presences.  He apparently is always going to watch over us and send me reminders in his own manner.  I patiently await the next one, no telling what he will remind me to do. We talked about so many things the last few months; I cannot remember it all now because as he planned for the end, I never would accept it till it was actually here.
So Little Bro. thank you for the reminders and letting me know you still have my back.  I only wish you could answer just when you decided that I might need some reminders.

Keep dancin’ Larry B.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Time to Reflect

As the year draws to a close, it is time to reflect on the past year and how very important our family and friends have been in our lives.  I am sure most of us are in that frenzied state of just trying to get through the upcoming holidays, but we should all take a few moments to think about those around us in our everyday lives. 

This has been one very stressful and yet amazing year, so much has changed in my life and those that I consider family. So many happy and sad occasions have occurred that it still seems that I am walking in a surreal landscape.  It is hard to imagine at times that we all have gone through so much in just a short time and it is that bond of family that has kept us all strong enough to move on with our daily lives to honor those that we have lost this year.

We tend to take many things in our life for granted and sometimes neglect to express or show our true feelings for those immediately around us in our daily lives. Being from a farming family, family gatherings with lots of good food, good fun and camaraderie were what were important throughout the year. It was during these family gatherings that you caught up on family and nurtured the bond that makes us all family in one way or another.

Paul and I come from very different family backgrounds but the one common thread was that family was the most important aspect of our daily lives growing up. There were weekly or Monthly family gatherings that included everyone from Grandparents to cousins. The feeling of having that common denominator that made you whole and who you are today. 

The old saying you can pick your friends but not your family is so true. Yet we have friends in our lives that we consider family and have that bond that comes with family.  Knowing they will be there for you in your time of need and support you in whatever venture you undertake. 

So let me say this to all of you and you know who you are in my life that I consider Family and Friends, Thank you for being in my life, our life.  Thank you for your support, your love and your tolerance...

Keep Dancin’ Larry B


Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

What a difference a year makes, one year ago today, I was sitting here at Orchard Hills Big House typing a similar blog entry.  Today I am sitting in my office, after spending a good part of the day decorating the outside for Christmas.

This year we had a traditional family gathering here at Orchard Hills. Paul had his kids and their mother up for the holiday. Dad and sister were here as well. We cooked like we were preparing for the troops from Ft. Campbell.    The only thing missing is our loved ones that have passed and our Florida Family.  

Growing up it in Southeast Missouri, Thanksgiving was always a family event, I am fortunate enough to remember everyone meeting at our Great Grandparents house for the day. The Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins all gathering for a day of home cooking, games and just being together as a family.

Those were special times; the extended family unit was together as one clan. As our society moved forward, it seems to have lost this one important aspect of the family.  The family unit is more nuclear in nature today than in the past.  We move further from the family to pursue careers and then everyone becomes so involved with their own lives that taking the time to be with extended family does not seem as important.

This happen to our family clan, as the great and grandparents passed on, my generation was the one that moved further away from the homestead. We were the ones that pursued those careers and just never seem to have any time to make it home for the holidays. I, for one, realized this but only after the passing of my Mother.

Thanksgiving was always a special holiday for her. She called it her mid holiday.  Halloween was the first because of my birth, then Thanksgiving and ending with Christmas. She always wanted the family together for the holiday and for so many years it was just never possible for all of us to be in on location for this weekend.

Okay, I admit, my sister and I were too involved in our own lives at the time to think it to be a big deal.  You always think next year, I will take time off to be with family and next year you say okay next year.  We made the decision a year ago to move so we could be closer to family and it has been the best decision.

This past year has been the most rewarding and heartbreaking that I have experienced since my Mother passed.   We have lost so many special friends and family this year and the holidays just don’t seem the same without them. Although I know they are all with us in spirit and would want us to continue on with our lives and our traditions. 

Keep dancin’ Larry B.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Ice for your Headache?

Do you have a problem with headaches?  There is something that you may be able to do which can give you almost immediate relief for even the most severe headache that you are experiencing.  Whenever people use this for the first time they are often shocked with how quickly the effects will take place.  What I'm talking about is putting ice on the area that is affected and if you have the ability to do so quickly you can often head off a headache that is mounting before it actually has time to really develop.   

Most of us who have headaches regularly are familiar with the fact that using a cold compress on our forehead can often help to alleviate the pain.  The ice that is put directly on the pain however will work much faster.  Not only does it help to numb the area giving you almost immediate relief but it also helps the circulation within that specific area along with relieving some of the tension that maybe build up and can remove the headache for the long term.                                      

Interestingly enough heat is also something that may be able to help with certain types of headaches.  This is especially true whenever you're either dealing with a sinus or a tension headache.  One of the first things that I do whenever I feel one of these headaches mounting is to get into the shower and to stand underneath the water allowing it to hit me in the back of the neck.  I make the water as absolutely hot as I possibly can without damaging my skin in the process.  The hot water has the effect of relaxing the tense muscles which are causing the headache in the first place.  The steam that is produced from the hot water can help to relieve some of the pressure in my sinuses taking care of that headache as well.                                

There may also be times when you find that a combination of these two things will work very well for you.  This is especially the case if you are dealing with a sinus headache as you can use the steam therapy in order to loosen things up and then the ice therapy quickly afterwards in order to alleviate some of the pain that you are feeling.  It's a 1-2 punch that has a benefit for you and can remove a headache quickly.             
Keep Dancin’  Larry B     

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Easy Anytime Rollups

I was asked this week to resend a friend a recipe I wrote about couple of years ago so Here it is..

Country Meat Roll-ups

I love creating recipes that are quick and easy to prepare during the work week and even for group gatherings.
This is a very simple ground meat recipe.  It does not matter what type of ground meat used.  I have made this recipe with beef, pork, veal, lamb and venison.  The following recipe is basic for 4 servings, you can adjust accordingly to accommodate 4 to 40 or more.
Country Meat Rollups  
1.5 pound ground meat
1 medium size onion (chopped)
1 can of  sliced mushrooms
2 cloves of garlic(minced)
1 cup of sour cream
1 egg (beaten)
1 egg separated (make egg wash with white and add egg yolk to the beaten egg) 
1 package of Crescent Rolls
1 can cream of mushroom soup
Brown the ground meat, onions, mushrooms and garlic till meat is no longer pink. Set aside to cool.
Take the Crescent Rolls, pull the rolls apart and then roll each one out as large as you can.
Once the meat mixture has cooled, add 1/2 cup of sour cream and the beaten egg, Mix well.
Now take a scoop of the meat mixture(approximately large egg in size) place this in center of each rolled out Crescent Roll.  Once this is complete take each Crescent Roll and roll it around the meat mixture, complete seal the meat inside the roll.
Place rolls on a cooking sheet sprayed with cooking spray.  Take the egg wash and brush over each roll. 
Bake at 350 for approximately 15 -20 minutes rolls should be nice and brown.
While the rolls are baking, take the can of Cream of Mushroom soup and mix with remaining 1/2 cup of sour cream. Heat the soup mixture and serve as a sauce on the rolls.
Variations for this recipe: I have also taken French Onion Soup and Golden Mushroom soup together to create a sauce.  I have also used Ready to Bake Bread dough for a large rollup for a group of 8-10. I let the dough thaw over night in frig. I then roll out the bread dough to the size of a cookie sheet. Place the meat mixture in the center of the dough and rollup. Bake this for 30-40 minutes.
I hope you enjoy this simple recipe. I have gotten so many compliments over the years.  Enjoy and Bon Appetite!
Keep dancin' Larry B

Friday, November 8, 2013

Retirement, Are you Ready?

This is it the long haul! You are positive that you have lived a full life, the fullest that you ever can and you are ready to retire. But are you really ready?  You may think there is no imminent need for retirement planning but there actually is. You see there are a lot of things to consider before you do get on that platform and accept the retirement package your workplace is offering you. And retirement planning requires one to consider five things.                                                  

The first thing to consider when you’re mulling over retirement planning is the decision as to where you would be living. Let’s face it: you would not want to be a burden to your children especially if they already have families of their own. Sure visits and such are all right but living with them is a totally different story. Thus you should consider this thoroughly when you start your retirement planning. A lot of people prefer to go back to the house or the area where they were raised. And you can do this as well. You can also choose to go to that one place you’ve always wanted to go. Whatever catches your fancy is the goal of retirement planning here.                               

The second thing to consider is the financial aspect. Do you have enough money to support your plans? Is your pension plan enough to jive with the retirement planning that you have started conceptualizing? No correct answer can ever fit this question because this would totally depend on the goals you have laid out for yourself. Just make sure that you do have enough so that the purpose of retirement planning would not be defeated.                                 

The third thing to consider is whether or not you are indeed ready to retire. You may think this is not something to consider but it actually is. When you retire you will have a lot of free time on your hands. And you just might find too much time too daunting. So you should consider this carefully.     

The fourth thing is the concept of working after retirement. Now there are a lot of people out there who opt to continue working light jobs after retiring. And this is not something out of the ordinary. If this is something you are planning to do you won’t have that much difficulty at all. There are a lot of jobs still available for people after retirement.              

The fifth thing to consider is your health. Aside from funds for vacations and the like you also need to ready yourself regarding your health. This is indeed something you should consider when retirement planning. This way you won’t be a burden on your family and their families.       


Keep Dancin’. LB

Friday, November 1, 2013

Bittersweet Time of Year

 Yesterday was Halloween and the day of my birth, so of course, Halloween and October is my favorite time of the year. It is the change of season and the mornings are cool crisp.  The earth sheds its summer greens and the colors of fall pop everywhere.  Growing up with your birthday on Halloween was the best; back in the late sixties in a small rural farm town everyone made home treats that were the best candies and treats ever.

There were hay rides, pumpkin carving and haunted barns. Fall festivals, carnivals and rodeos were the social events.  Most important was home coming and fall break. It was the time of year that everyone took a deep breath and let them has a few days of relaxation after a hot busy summer.

So being a child of this time of year it has always been when I feel revitalized and closest to my inner self. This is the way it used to be for me during this month.

Then it changed forever in 2008, for that was the year my dear mother was diagnosed with cancer. In her true fashion of always being in control, mom had the last word. As we finished up our bed time routine, she looked at me and said "Happy Birthday son". It was the last thing my mother ever said to me.

My mother past 6 years ago today. It is very difficult to enjoy something when it becomes associated with the death of a loved one. It took time for me to work through accepting my mother would want me to continue my love of this part of the year and not dwell on her death. 

I have accepted but it does not stop me from having my moment of regret that she is not here for my birthday. I miss my cohort in Halloween fun which one time included her picking out hair dye that gave me a great shade of dark red. I take great comfort that she left us on All Saints Day. For to me, mom was a Saint she put up with all the crap I provided over the years being just like her made it worse. Granny warned her about having one child just like her was pay back.

Well Granny was right, I am my mother's son, more like her every day and damn proud of it. For Mom gave me her strength to stand up for others, take no crap for what I believe in and to speak my mind no matter what others think.

So even though his time of year is a bittersweet for me now, I hold on to all the wonderful memories my Mom gave me over the years. She will always be my guardian angel and I will continue to honor her by being her son.  For October, Halloween and All Saints Day have taken on a new meaning for me. A time of renewal, a time of death, a time to honor the most important woman in my life.

Thanks Mom and I will keep dancin'.  Larry B

Friday, October 25, 2013

Vacationing at Home

I decided to take a week off from work but this time there were no plans made as to what I/We would do for the week. We had discussed renting a cabin on the lake, going to Missouri, but decided to just stay home. The first day, I actually, did not know what to do with myself. I had nothing on my calendar! No place to be, no computer, no phone and no schedule. To say, I was bored is an understatement.

I finally realized it was vacation mode that I needed to wrap my mind around to fully enjoy this week. So I got busy there were things that I wanted to do that are difficult to arrange when you are tied to a desk during the week. I started with researching, and making appointments to obtain my backyard project estimates. That in process, it was time to get my work station in my cave cleaned up and re-organize the rolling shelves.

I have reviewed the types of Christmas lawn blow ups we have on hand and which ones will be necessary for this year’s lawn theme. What will be the front yard center piece and the back yard theme? There is a new Blowup calling my name so my plan may change by Thanksgiving.

The new Dance Gig is starting in a week and I have reviewed my first set of dances to teach. I have developed my plan of action to succeed with this new venture at Murph's Country Music Barn. Since Murph's has a live band that rotates through different styles of country, my goal is to always be teaching a dance per week that the dancers will hear from the band. I can then add newer dances to songs that can be played during the band breaks increasing the number of opportunities for the Line Dancers to get up and shake their money makers.

I knew I had achieved vacation mode when I felt at ease with sitting on the deck reading. I have completed two books and closing in on number three. I am shooting for 5 this week.  Reading for me relaxes me to the point of dosing and is my favorite vacation relaxation activity and this week there has been just enough chill in the air to sit on the deck, coffee steaming and lose myself in pleasure reading.

Today, we took a drive to Paducah to spend some time visiting our extended family the Henry's. It was a great visit and lunch with Sarah, Melissa, Megan, Brian and Santa Butch. Thanks for a great day.

To top off the week, Paul and I are going to a Halloween theme party on Saturday. This year's theme is Super Heroes. The Flash and Green Lantern are planning to attend.  I am sure it will prove to be an interesting evening; this is our introduction activity with a new group we just joined.  What better way to meet a whole group of new people but dressed up as Super Heroes...

Paul has started his Christmas Embroidery project and has been sequestered in his cave most of the week. It has been a great relaxing week, even if it took me a day or so to get into that vacation frame of mind. Vacationing at home is an art not to do too much around house and achieve that vacation frame of mind.

Keep dancin' Larry B

Friday, October 18, 2013

When You Least Expect it!

As many know I have struggled to establish a Line Dance Class since moving to Tennessee. I was able to do a gig at the Clarksville Athletic Club for a fund raiser for Breast Cancer that ran for four months in 2012.

Then I was blessed to meet Luke Henry, who put in a good word for me with City of Clarksville Parks & Recreation Department. I was contracted for a 6 month gig for them at the Crowe Community Center.

I had decided after Luke passed to get back to dancing. I found the Clarksville Dance Club and started taking classes for myself in September 2013. I put starting my own class on the back burner. I just was not in the right frame of mind to market myself or the leg work to locate an establishment to host classes. I just wanted to dance and take classes for myself.

On October 3, 2013, which was the second month anniversary of Luke's passing, Patricia, my Thursday night Dance Instructor, asked me for my Line Dance Business card. She said she wanted to pass it on to the owners of Murph's Country Music Barn. I had just heard about Murph's through the dance club as a great place to dance.

On October 4, Patricia called and told me that she had passed my information to Murph and his wife. She stated I should expect a call about starting a Line Dance Class. The next day, we gathered and paid honor to our friend Luke at Morton's Outlook in the Smokey Mountains and I updated my friend on things while sitting on his favorite outcropping.

The following Monday, I got a call from Murph and when I returned the call I spoke to his lovely wife, B. We had a great chat and they wanted to meet me to discuss how we could benefit each other. They were looking to bring more people in on their Saturday night dance and would like to offer their facility for a beginner class if we got a good response on Saturday nights.

I met Murph and B on Saturday, October 12 and they are the nicest people you would ever meet. The facility is huge but is warm and welcoming as you enter. This venture is their retirement activity. They hold weddings, special dinners, weekly auctions, and weekly dances. Murph's is a great family place to sit back listen to some good music and dance your night away on Saturday night.

We have agreed that I will start teaching a class at the Saturday night Dance on November 2, 2013. I have gathered information on the songs done at Murph's and working on putting a Dance Lesson together.  Working with Murph and B to bring more clientele to Murph's Country Music Barn is going to be an exciting new adventure and a new avenue for establishing a class.

I could not have asked for a more accommodating couple to work with as Murph and B. I know my new guardian angel is watching over me and ensuring I get back to teaching.

Keep dancin' Larry B.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Final Farewell

October 5, 2013, Luke Henry’s family gathered at what he termed his Favorite Place on Earth. Morton’s Overlook in the Great Smokey Mountains was this place for my friend Luke. He told me over and over that part of his ashes was to be scattered at this site. He told me where they were to be scattered and that he did not want a formal ceremony. He said he just want his family to reflect on his life. He wanted all of us together and to enjoy the time together. My friend, mission accomplished just as I promised.

We often think we need words to fill our world; yet scattering the ashes in a tranquil and beautiful setting, nothing needed to be said as each individual was left to be with their own thoughts of Luke. It was best to scatter ashes quietly and without much fuss/fanfare as a sign of respect to Luke and also to keep its worldly attachment to the minimum.

More Americans these days are scattering loved ones' ashes widely, with great purpose and often without permission—an act known in the funeral industry as a "wildcat scattering." It's a reflection of both the marked rise in cremation and the growing desire by people to find their own ways to ritualize grief.

Before about 1980, just 4% of families were choosing cremation over burial. Now, 39% select cremation, and in the next 15 years, the percentage is expected to approach 60%, according to the Cremation Association of North America. The increase is being driven in part by cremation's cheaper cost, and in part by the fact that fewer extended families are rooted in one specific place anymore—which means they don't live close enough to visit a loved one's gravesite.

Choosing to scatter the ashes, rather than preserve them in an urn or bury them in a cemetery, is also becoming more popular. The Cremation Association's surveys indicate that about 135,000 families are now choosing to scatter ashes each year. In the past decade, more than 40 companies have been created to help people scatter ashes legally on land and sea by getting permissions and permits. But most families opt for wildcat scatterings, surreptitiously spreading ashes in favorite parks, stadiums, fishing spots or wherever else feels meaningful.

Scientists agree that there is no health or environmental hazard from the spread of human ashes. "It's mineral-based and typically, with wind and rain, will melt into the soil within days," says John Ross, executive director of the Cremation Association.

Grief experts tell us that it is very important to establish a permanent memorial to help survivors deal with the continued cycle of loss. This is especially important to those that choose to scatter ashes. Survivors need a place to go where they can reflect and hold onto previous memories for the years to come; a place that says, "I was here and lived a life!"  Luke ensured this part was also taken care of and has a permanent resting place in Riverside Cemetery in Hopkinsville, KY so family has a place close to visit and reflect.

If you're not sure about an appropriate scattering area, or have questions on what kind of ash scattering ceremony will be a meaningful experience for your family, it is always a good idea to consult with your funeral director. They have experience in planning such scattering events and can be very helpful in creating the kind of scattering of ashes event you desire. Today’s funeral directors act as event planners, and have the resources and contacts to get things just right for this final tribute. Keep in mind that whatever funeral services you select, scattering ashes is just the final disposition and that you can still conduct traditional funeral services prior to the cremation.

Another difficulty with cremation scattering of ashes can occur when the remains are disposed of in an anonymous, unmarked or public place. Access to the scattering area may be restricted for some reason in the future, undeveloped land may be developed, or other conditions may arise that could make it difficult for your survivors to visit the scattering site to remember you. What if your survivors relocate sometime in the future? So give some thought and discuss specific desires on where the ash scattering ceremony will take place. It is always a good idea to retain some of the ashes to keep or to scatter in a separate location in the future.

I think Luke would have liked this poem. Rest in Peace, my dear friend. May your spirit always be with each of us and watching over the beauty of the Great Smokey Mountains.


By Helen Lowrie Marshall and published in 1958.

I’d like the memory of me

To be a happy one.

I’d like to leave an afterglow

Of smiles when day is done.

I’d like to leave an echo

Whispering softly down the ways,

Of happy times, and laughing times

And bright and sunny days.

I’d like the tears of those who grieve

To dry before the sun

Of happy memories I leave

Behind – when day is done.


Keep Dancin’ Larry B

Friday, October 4, 2013

Time to Oneself

I realized the past couple of weeks that I had been on a continuous all hands on deck energy level for over 8 months. Yes, I know I am a thick headed Missouri Mule and it takes a freight train to get through some times. I had been with someone at all times of the day for past 8 month period.  I needed to totally be alone for a few days and pull back so I only had to think of myself. So that is what I did last weekend.

It was a perfect time for Paul to take a trip to visit Tom. I explained to Paul that I had not been alone since December 2012 at least any more than a few hours day. I needed to be alone for a few days to energize my psyche. I had to be with just me...

I know a few individual would have run screaming at just the thought of that scenario.  I took the time to let myself reflect over the past 9 months of my life. To say it was uneventful would be the farthest from the truth. It was the most rewarding, most spiritual, most frustrating, most emotional, most heart breaking 9 month period in my life. I can say without hesitation, I would do 99% of it all over again.

I did not sit around in thought and meditation all weekend but I did take the required time for me to get back in an even plane. I also was determined to push myself physically to ensure a whole body and mind cleansing. I was so sore Sunday I had a hard time getting up from sitting position.  I have not felt so at ease and exhausted in a very long time...

I have a refreshed out look over the past 9 months and an improved direction for what I need to do for myself.  I just need to ensure I allow myself to take the time for me on a more regular basis without guilt or feeling selfish. Each of you, need to take that personal time for a healthier outlook on life. Without this special time for reflection, meditation and physical activity, you mind and body gets fuzzy, sluggish and entrenched in just following the flow of life instead of actually leading your own life energy.

I know I feel more in control of leading my life in the direction I foresee best suited for meat this time, on this day, in October 2013. Who knows what tomorrow holds; life goes on.....

Keep Dancin' Larry B.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Changes since My Birth

Growing up and even recently I have heard from those older than I tell me about how much things have changed over their life time. So I decided to look at  just what has changed since my birth in 1959. I could write reams on the advances in health care, automobiles and technology.  So I have picked out a few items that I feel are important to mention in the space of this blog entry.

What was going on 54 years ago? At the start of  my birth year, Television programs included "Rawhide", "Bonanza" and "The Twilight Zone", movies included "Some Like it Hot", "Ben Hurr" and "North by Northwest". Alaska is admitted to the union and becomes the 49th state and Hawaii is admitted to the Union and became the 50th State. The Boeing 707 Jet Airliner comes into service and little girls love the Barbie Dolls made by Mattel. Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba.

Since 1959 we have seen a lot of develops and tragedy. The St. Lawrence Seaway was official completed and links the Great Lakes to the rest of the world.  The last musical from Rodgers and Hammerstein “The Sound of Music” opens on Broadway. The charted plan transporting musicians Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper goes down in an Iowa snowstorm, killing all four occupants on board. The tragedy is later termed “The Day the Music Died” popularized in Don McLean’s song “American Pie”.

The Microchip and the computer modem were developed in the USA.

The first kidney transplant was in 1963. The first heart transplant was performed in 1967. The first artificial heart was installed in 1982. The first heart and lung transplant was performed in 1987.

The laser was invented in 1960. In 1964 it was used in eye surgery for the first time.

Meanwhile the invention of fiber optics in the 1950s made possible the development of endoscopes in the 1960s.

The 1960's were years of unrest in America over the Vietnam War.  We saw the start of the hippie movement.  It was a time of awakening, a time of rethinking old methods, and the computer was becoming a part of this new world.  Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) was developed by a team drawn from several computer manufacturers and the Pentagon. Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny created BASIC, an easy-to-learn programming language, for their students at Dartmouth College. The first industrial robot was built in 1962.

Cuban Missile Crisis On October 22, 1962, President Kennedy instituted”quarantine" on the shipment of offensive missiles to Cuba from the Soviet Union. He also warned Soviet Union that the launching of any missile from Cuba against nations in the Western Hemisphere would bring about U.S. nuclear retaliation on the Soviet Union. A negotiated settlement was achieved in a few days.

Hewlett-Packard entered the general purpose computer business with its HP-2115 for computation, offering a computational power formerly found only in much larger computers. The Apollo Guidance Computer made its debut orbiting the Earth on Apollo 7.   AT&T Bell Laboratories programmers Kenneth Thompson and Dennis Ritchie developed the UNIX operating system on a spare DEC minicomputer. Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the Moon; Internet (ARPA) goes online.

The first pocket calculator was sold in 1971.

Evacuation from Vietnam. On April 3, 1975, President Ford reported U.S. naval vessels, helicopters, and Marines had been sent to assist in evacuation of refugees and US nationals from Vietnam. South Vietnam. On April 30, 1975, President Ford reported that a force of 70 evacuation helicopters and 865 Marines had evacuated about 1,400 U.S. citizens and 5,500 third country nationals and South Vietnamese from landing zones in and around the U.S. Embassy, Saigon and Tan Son Nhut Airport.

Treatment for infertility also improved in the late 20th century. The first test tube baby was born in 1978.

In 1980, the medical field was able to have Smallpox eradicated and in 1981, Scientists identify AIDS

In 1989 we experienced the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

We went from 0 computers in the home to 311 million in less than 30 years.

Now as I stated in the beginning of the blog entry, this is only a fraction of what we have experienced and the advances that have been made in the past 54 years. I can’t wait to see just how far we will progress in the next 54 years.

Keep Dancin’ Larry B.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Trying to Prevent Cancer

Finding out my mother had cancer was the most devastating day I can ever recall in my life. The second most devastating day was learning my Best Friend, Luke Henry had stage 4 cancer. Both days are forever ingrained in my memory as two of the worst days I have experienced. Family and friends support was the biggest thing that assisted all of us in dealing with the process of accepting and helping our loved ones. Since my Mother’s Diagnosis, I have read so many books and articles on cancer prevention and dealing with the disease.

I researched everything I could to assist Luke in his fight. Anything I could find to make his experience more comfortable, less stressful and any chance of helping, I read, printed and discussed with Luke. We tried all home remedies we could to help with side effects from chemotherapy. I became a strong advocate to ensure he received everything possible to assist him in his fight.

Discovering that you or a loved one has cancer can be utterly terrifying. All the same, once you comprehend the causes of cancer and learn how to reverse those causes, you or your loved one may have more than a fighting chance of beating out cancer. Regrettably, these techniques can't help everybody survive, but if the individual utilizing these strategies has enough time left so that they may start to work, rather often they reverse their cancer.

Even if you're taking the standard medical treatments or just trying not to ever get cancer, you are able to safely improve the effectiveness of what you do.  According to the National Cancer Institute, roughly 1/3 of all cancer deaths may be ascribed to our diets. The advocated diet isn't elaborate or expensive. There are a lot of foods and even spices that may very well help in the fight against cancer. Some authorities' claims that a lot of healthy food choices will help reduce the possibility of contracting cancer, and may shrivel up tumors.

Fresh research affirms what nutritionists have stated for years: consuming lots of high-fiber foods is a capital way to protect your health. That may sound like a steep claim. But according to investigators conducting the biggest-ever study into the relationship between diet and cancer, it's the facts.

Toxins and Pollutants are brought into our homes day-after-day through water, food, dirt, dust and household cleansing products. For instance, the serious toxin phenol may be detected in a few disinfectants, antiseptics and even air fresheners. Continued exposure to phenols and additional toxins might have injurious effects on our nervous and respiratory systems also induce cancers. It's crucial to educate yourself to enable you to cut down your risk and exposure. When you start to educate yourself about the chemicals and toxins on the labels of the products in your house, you might prefer to substitute some of the toxic agents you discover with non-toxic options.

Cancer is a disease that touches on a lot of individuals. Many cancer-causing agents have been discovered by researchers. Most forms of cancer can be prevented by making a few primary life-style alterations, such as exercising and eating healthy, averting sun exposure and refraining from tobacco use.

It takes an effort to ensure you are improving your lifestyle to a more healthy approach to life. I know I still have to work hard to cut out some things in my life. I made a promise that I would concentrate on doing that and I will keep my promise. First I have to grief my losses and put my life back on track to honor those I have lost. One day at a time to a healthier you and me...

Keep Dancin’  Larry B