Friday, December 28, 2012
2012 a Year of Loss

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Line Dance Class Established
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Homeward Bound
I got the chance this week to teach some line dancing, and dance with a large number of the field staff. Now that was a fun day and I have the video to use for blackmail if the need ever arises.. Just kidding.. or am I .
I also got to surprise my International Line Dance Instructor, Stella Cabeca. I was able to announce in her Thursday night class that because of her encouragement, support and mentoring; I will be signing a contract with the City of Clarksville, Tennessee to provide an International Line Dance class at the Crow Community Center starting in February, 2013.
Yet as I sit here at the Ft. Lauderdale airport; a calmness has come over me for I know I am heading home. What a difference a year makes in one's life, for over 20 years South Florida was home. Now it is a place where the office is located and long time friends live. I know I am always welcome down in South Florida but I also know it will never feel the same, it will never be home.
It is simply too busy, too crowded and just too hot for me now. I am a Tennessean now and could not be happier. The pace of life is slower, people are friendly and a whole lot less of them to deal with than here in South Florida.
So yes it was a good week in South Florida but can they load this plane any faster. My body and soul needs to be back in the hills of Tennessee.
Keep Dancin' LB
Friday, December 7, 2012
Technology, What a Wonderful Invention
Friday, November 30, 2012
World’s Aids Awareness Day
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Home Made Bread Day.. November 17th 2012.
Bread has been made for thousands of years. Estimates date it's origin back to 5000-10,000 B.C. Modern day lifestyles has relegated homemade bread to the world of specialty baking and holiday baking. People just don't have time to bake home-made bread. We turn to a quick "run" to bakeries and grocery stores, for our bread needs. The arrival of automatic breadmakers has created a small resurgence of home-made breads, especially specialty breads.
The purpose of this day is easy to understand.--- to make home-made bread, and to encourage you and me to make tasty and nutritious bread. So, take a little time out of your busy day, and make some bread. Your nose, your taste buds, and your whole family will be glad you did.
My recommendation for this day is Pumpkin Nut Bread. Here is the recipe—makes two loaves.
1 cup
Fresh or Canned
2 cups
Sifted Flour
1 cup
1/2 cup
1/4 cup
Soft Butter or
1 cup
Chopped Walnuts
2 teaspoons
Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon
Baking Soda
1 teaspoon
1/2 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Stir together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and
- In a separate large bowl, combine pumpkin, sugar, milk
and eggs.
- Add dry ingredients, and butter to pumpkin mixture
until well blended.
- Mix in chopped nuts.
- Pour into greased loaf pans (9x5x3).
- Bake in oven for 45 to 55 minutes.
- Check with a toothpick. It is done when it comes out clean.
- Slice to desired thickness after completely cool.
- Spread with soften cream cheese or pumpkin butter.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Dancing into 2013
Friday, November 2, 2012
Ms. Honey's Great Adventure continues part 3
Ms. Honey's Great Tennessee Adventure continues
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Ms. Honey's Tennessee Adventure
Friday, October 26, 2012
Halloween, October 31, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Evaluate Your Life Day
This is a bit scary. It sounds just a little bit too serious for my liking. Well that is what Evaluate Your Life Day is all about and October 19th is that day. And, what if I evaluate my life, and find out that I don't like it????
Well, for starters, you can then make positive changes.
Evaluate Your Life Day gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect upon our life, where it's been, and where it’s going. Come on be honest with yourself. Are things going well? What is bothering you? What do you need, or want, to change? How's your appearance? Are you gaining too much weight?
With a self-evaluation you can then make big changes to improve the quality of your life, as necessary. Or if things are going well, just tinker with small adjustments.
After doing my own self-evaluation, I am on the right path for myself physically. A few months ago, we started a weight watchers program to change our eating habits to a more healthy way of eating. We started an exercise program not to bulk up but simply get ourselves in better shape. After all we are not getting any younger and plan to be together for a very long time.
Okay, so the body is getting under control, what about the mind? I love reading and read approximately 2-4 books a month. Everything I have read states those that read books for enjoyment have fewer issues with dementia with aging. So okay brain seems to be okay.
I have a great professional life at this time. I have been fortunate to have had an interesting career with a great group of people. Although at times the job is stressful and the pressure from those higher up can seem so unappreciative and oppressive, I am blessed with a great boss that is very supportive. So check off Professional life as status quo, no major changes at this time.
I started an Internet business several years ago and the economy knocked us out of making any major achievement with our Gift Basket/Unique Gift venture. We reorganized and continue to struggle to make the right moves to make something of our company. So there is always changes and education going on with this aspect of my life.
Moving on to my personal life self-evaluation, I have a loving caring family that support and believe in my abilities. I have a great relationship with my best friend. I have a new custom built home. I am living in the area of the country that is feels home to me. I am happy, content and could not ask for anything more.
Oh sure, winning the lottery, becoming financially secure would always be nice benefit for myself and family. Until then, I will continue to make Evaluate Your Life Day to take a moment to see if there are any changes that I can do to ensure I am on the right path for myself, partner and family.
I believe that Evaluate Your Life Day is the beginning of a happier and healthier you! So why not take a moment and do your own self-evaluation.
Keep Dancing LB
Friday, October 12, 2012
Cooking Tips That Can Work For Everyone

Friday, October 5, 2012
Fall Activites in Clarksville, TN
Friday, September 28, 2012
Change of Seasons
This is the beginning of a wonderful time here in the Midwest. Pumpkins of all sizes and colors are piling up and everyone is rejuvenated after a long extremely hot summer. The start of the decorating season coincides with hunting season. It is the time of fall festivals, craft shows and evening concerts. The crops are being harvested; the smoke houses are smokin and the kids are back in school.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Entertaining -Community service
Friday, September 14, 2012
Home Ownership
Friday, September 7, 2012
New Beginnings
Nearly 11 months ago, Paul and I made the decision that it was best for us and family to relocate to Clarksville, TN. After much discussion and mental anguish, I approached my boss to request a transfer and was rewarded with the knowledge that she was not about to lose me to another State or office. So with the security of being employed remotely, we put the house on the market, thinking we might have to leave and deal with a long distance sale. Fortunately, that was not the case and the Florida house sold in two days.
So with a month to pack, deciding what went with us in our two vehicles and what would be placed in storage, our path was clear to make the final move to Tennessee. We had purchased the Little Condo on the Bluff a couple of years prior as our getaway location and now it would be our new home.
The Condo is a great little house, quiet and peaceful but the goal of moving to Tennessee was to eventually convince Dad it was time to retire and that we wanted him to live with us. Dad is the only surviving parent that my sister, Paul and I have and it is our goal to ensure he takes care of himself. So even though we loved living in the condo, it was not going to be our ultimate location.
After spending months roaming Montgomery County, we looked at multiple re-sells but no matter what we liked it was going to take thousands to make it suitable for ourselves. Our wonderful realtor passed on a link regarding a new subdivision approximately 3 miles from the condo. After touring the spec. homes in the community we found the perfect model. It had a Dad Suite and a bonus room that we could convert into 2 man caves. Plus starting from the ground up we could make all the modifications that we wanted from the start.
So after 5 months, we are now in the Orchard Hills house. We have spent the week moving, unpacking and purchasing to our bodies and credit card are totally exhausted. We are now awaiting the delivery of the Florida Storage and few items that we had to order to arrive. The Dad Suite is nearly complete and now the real work of convincing the Old Missouri Mule to think about retiring will begin in earnest.
Clarksville has become our new home town and we could not be happier. A new home, new neighborhood and starting Monday September 10th; Larry B resurfaces with an International Line Dance class at the Clarksville Athletic Club. It is always stressful starting out on a new beginning but having family and support from friends it has been a great adventure. Granted it is one we do not plan to do again, Clarksville is the final stomping ground.
Till next time, LB.